Monday, June 18, 2012


I learned...that this was the best first class any teacher could ask for. They may have made me tear my hair out but they pushed me to be the best teacher I could be.

Something great that happened...getting hugs from each one of the kids and knowing they meant it.

Something challenging that happened...even down to 5 minutes before school ended Bhavya and Malachi were having a tussle...

A question I have...what was the point of today, aside from saying goodbye? No learning happened, let's face it!

I wonder...what their future holds...


  1. Tamar, you can bet you have made a difference. You may not 'see' it now but the kids will be affected in ways that are not apparent to them yet....very small ways maybe but nonetheless it will add to their experience.
    Have a great summer. You've earned it!


  2. Little children hug their teachers because they are designed for the purpose. They would wish their parents gave them chocolates in the same way.

    When teachers leave a class, they must finish their story and give it a happy ending - that's what farewells are for.
