Thursday, October 6, 2011


I learned...handwriting is far more involved than when I was a student. Frog-jump letters, songs about where you start your letters, and

Something great that happened was...I received good feedback from Jane about how my morning meetings are going, actually it was more of "I had such confidence in your ability that I actually haven't paid super close attention to them." But I'll take it!

Something challenging that happened was...having to give Malachi a consequence for his noncooperative attitude in the LC. It was hard to take something away from him, when I know he has a hard time going upstairs each day.

A question I have do you break students of annoying habits, like talking in voices (ala Jarjar Binks) without being rude or squashing their individuality?

I wonder about...what they will all be like tomorrow at 1:15 after we sugar them up with ice cream....

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