Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I learned....that it's completely normal for teachers and students be a mix of excited and nervous on the first day. That it feels amazing to connect with the students, even on day one. That first graders can be so grown up and so little all at once.

Something great that happened was...Annabelle waving goodbye to me and then running back to give me a huge hug and a big "I'll see you tomorrow." Jonathan taking my hand and coming out to learn about recess and beginning to break down the language barrier and see him participate and smiling by the end of the day!

Something challenging that happened was...trying to figure out how to best work with Connor as he was figuring out us and our routines. A lot of new for all of us today in that regard.

A question I have is...is there a honeymoon phase? Will it get harder or was today an accurate portrait of what to expect?

I wonder about...what the students are thinking about me, do they see me as a teacher or a body in the classroom.

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