Saturday, September 17, 2011


I learned...that it's okay to ask for help when in a challenging situation. There are people in the school who are meant to help you, and you're a better teacher by asking for help.

Something great that happened was...working with pattern blocks, just like when I was a student. A fun part of being a teacher is getting to relive the fun parts of your own education.

Something challenging that happened was...having the class transition from Spanish to finishing math work, they were tired and hungry and I was challenged to help them regain their focus without getting crabby too.

A question I have do you deal with normal weekday crabbiness, namely, Friday-ready-for-the-weekend-crabbiness, in a fun and gentle manner?

I wonder kids learn when they are having free "choice" time. Are they just relaxing or are they actually learning and gaining from that time.

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